تم إغلاق هذه الوظيفة ولم تعد مفتوحة للمتقدمين.
Egyptian Sales Supervisor is required for Saudi Arabia
- الدمام, السعودية
نشر في 14/2/2018
شرح الوظيفة
We ask for an Egyptian sales supervisor, to work in several branches in Saudi Arabia, for a major company specialized in the manufacture and trade of wood and cladding products
The applicant must have the following 7 basic conditions:
1. - Experience of at least 5 years continuous in working as a sales supervisor in international companies only
2. English proficiency not less than 80%
3. Holds at least a special driving license
4. Prefer who has previous experience in Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States
5. Age is not more than 32 years in any way
6. Holds a high academic qualification
7. Egyptian and currently present in Egypt
Advantages of contracting:
- Salary is determined by experience
- Rates and commissions
- providing accommodation
- Medical insurance
- Transfers
- And other benefits by contracting
Send your curriculum vitae, a new personal photo, copy of the academic qualification, and copy of the certificates of experience on email or whatsapp
The job title (sales supervisor to KSA) must be written in the subject
Messages without a subject will not be taken care of.
Email Address:
Whatsapp: 01066717777
Mobile: 01280555515
مجال الوظيفة
متطلبات الوظيفة
الحد الادنى: 5 سنوات
الحد الاقصى: 5 سنوات
نوع الوظيفة
متعاقد / مؤقت
الأماكن الشاغرة
3 مكان شاغر
الكلية / المعهد
اى اختيار
أمتلك رخصة قيادة
اى اختيار
مهارات الوظيفة
1. - Experience of at least 5 years continuous in working as a sales supervisor in international companies only
2. English proficiency not less than 80%
3. Holds at least a special driving license
4. Prefer who has previous experience in Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States
5. Age is not more than 32 years in any way
6. Holds a high academic qualification
7. Egyptian and currently present in Egypt
نبذة عن الشركة
شركة الهيلا لالحاق العمالة المصرية بالخارج