Document Control Specialist


- السادس من أكتوبر, مصر
نشر في 14/2/2019
شرح الوظيفة
Document control specialists may take on a variety of duties, depending on the project and the organization. Based on job listings we analyzed, these duties typically involve:
Set Up Guidelines
Document control specialists assist in the development of process documentation, supervising data processing and programming, as well as delivering training to process owners on the correct document structure and control tool usage.
Oversee Receipt of Files
Document control specialists oversee the receipt of certain files, such as ftp files or emails, and assess the accuracy of the documents. Once they’ve checked the files for completeness, they record them into the system according to a file index.
Check Documentation Compliance
Coordinating with clients to track and issue documents, document control specialists check that the documents comply with regulations and work with clients to revise documentation where needed.
Organize and Maintain Documents
Document control specialists scan documents or images, then organize them to maintain them, adhering to the company’s document lifecycle procedures. Any inactive documents and records are then archived.
Process Requests for Information
Document control specialists receive “Requests for Information,” or RFIs, from clients and employees, and maintain these requests using tracking logs, which are updated as document control specialists create new templates accordingly.

مجال الوظيفة

متطلبات الوظيفة


الحد الادنى: 3 سنوات

المستوي المهني

مدير / مشرف

نوع الوظيفة

كل الوقت

الأماكن الشاغرة

1 مكان شاغر


الحد الادنى: 4000 جنيه مصرى
الحد الاقصى: 6000 جنيه مصرى


اى اختيار

الدرجة العلمية

بكالوريوس / ليسانس

الكلية / المعهد

اى اختيار


اى اختيار


اى اختيار



محل الاقامة

الجيزة, مصر


العربية - لغة الوطن
الإنجليزية - جيد جدا

أمتلك سيارة

اى اختيار

أمتلك رخصة قيادة

اى اختيار

مهارات الوظيفة
نبذة عن الشركة

Corona was established year 1919 by Tomy Khresto, to become the first Confectionery & Chocolate company in the Egyptian market. Corona today is the leading FMCG Local company in sandwich biscuit & Cocoa categories in Egypt . Corona is known with its nostalgic Portfolio within categories with Famous brand names like : Bimbo , Rocket. We promise our Consumers to experience with us Joyful and happy Moments all the way !

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