تم إغلاق هذه الوظيفة ولم تعد مفتوحة للمتقدمين.

Sales Supervisor - Sohag

Abudawood Group Egypt

- Sohag, Egypt
نشر في 10/4/2019
شرح الوظيفة
- Provide customer service by assisting customers and responding to customer inquiries and complaints.
- Direct and supervise employees engaged in sales, inventory-- - taking, reconciling cash receipts, or in performing services for customers.
- Examine merchandise to ensure that it is correctly priced and displayed and that it functions as advertised.
- Monitor sales activities to ensure that customers receive satisfactory service and quality goods.
- Instruct staff on how to handle difficult and complicated sales.
- Assign employees to specific duties.
- Keep records of purchases, sales, and requisitions.
- Perform work activities of subordinates, such as cleaning and organizing shelves and displays and selling merchandise.
- Plan and prepare work schedules and keep records of employees' work schedules and time cards.
-Review inventory and sales records to prepare reports for management and budget departments.

مجال الوظيفة

متطلبات الوظيفة


اى اختيار

المستوي المهني

اى اختيار

نوع الوظيفة

Full Time

الأماكن الشاغرة

5 مكان شاغر


قابل للتفاوض



الدرجة العلمية

اى اختيار

الكلية / المعهد

اى اختيار


اى اختيار


الحد الاقصى: 40 سنوات



محل الاقامة

Sohag, Egypt


Arabic - Native / Mother Tongue
English - Good

أمتلك سيارة

اى اختيار

أمتلك رخصة قيادة

اى اختيار

مهارات الوظيفة
Very good verbal communication skills
the ability to sell products and services
customer service skills
the ability to use your initiative
business management skills
leadership skills
to be flexible and open to change
the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure
نبذة عن الشركة

Fast Facts

Company startup: 1935
Founder: Sheikh Ismail Ali Abudawood
Ownership: Private (the Abudawood family of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Headquarters: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Business focus: Localized market brand development and distribution services
Current markets: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Bahrain
Sample clients: Procter & Gamble, Quaker Oats, Ferrero, Pepsi
Revenue: US$1 billion +
Coverage: 250,000 retail and wholesale outlets
Employees: 4,000
Vehicles: 1,400
Facilities: 135

قطاع الشركة

شير هذه الوظيفة الى:

وظائف مشابهة
