
ArabJobs.com was established to offer a unique service to job seekers. We promise to keep ArabJobs.com the most accessible recruitment service for employers.

ArabJobs.com made many levels of privacy according to your request for many personal reasons: Name, address, Tel, Mobile, & name of current employer couldn't be displayed, if you choose not to be display these information we prefer to write your Email as a contact & also to receive messages from the interested employers.

Also we don't mind not putting a contact key we left a mailbox for messages to be sent to you from employers through our site & you can contact employer if you are interested but if you use only this contact key please visit our site regularly to check it .

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لأي استفسار آخر لا تترددوا في الاتصال بنا:
التليفون: +202 2273 9173
المحمول: +2 01069993462 - 01069993465
الاستفسارات المالية: sales@arabjobs.com
الاستفسارات الفنية: support@arabjobs.com